

As per CBSE norms, it is compulsory for the students to secure 75% attendance in a year to make them eligible to appear at the final examination. The total meetings are counted from the day of the opening of the school and not from the date of admission of the student.

Leave is granted on the prescribed form filled in by the Parent/ Guardian accompanied with the student’s diary and submitted on the next working day (except in case of unforeseen genuine reasons). More than three days sick leave must be accompanied with a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner. Not more than three days leave may be granted in one month. Medical Leave should be submitted within 3 days of joining. It will not be accepted if submitted after that.

Continuous absence from school for seven days will lead to cancellation of name. Re-admission in such cases will be discretionary. An amount of Rs, 1000/- will have to be paid in case re-admission is allowed by the Principal. It is compulsory for all students to attend the general assembly held at the beginning of the day. At the first bell, which is rung 5minutes before the school begins, students are required to assemble in the assembly place.

The school gates will be closed at the start of assembly and the students who come late will not be allowed to attend the school.

No student can leave the school premises during school hours except with the permission of the Principal. Early departure/half day leave is not allowed. In case a student is unwell or has any appointment or function to attend, he should take full day leave rather than asking for a half day leave or early departure.

Students suffering from any infectious disease (chicken pox, eye flu etc.) must complete the quarantine period before rejoining the school. It should be indicated on the medical certificate that the child is fit to join from date….. (This applies during the days of tests/exams too.)

Attendance is compulsory on the following days:

  • Independence Day (15thAugust)
  • Republic Day (26 January)
  • Annual Day
  • Sports Day
  • Other school functions.

No leave will be granted for these days.

ADMISSION OPENFor Session 2024-2025

Address: Tillawala, Airport Road,  Jagatpura, Jaipur