Aim of Institution

Aim of  our Institution

Our overall goal is to pursue the excellence in the studies, in co-curricular activities and character building.

We Aim :

  • To make them realize that education is a continuous never ending process.
  • To teach discerningly so that our students think for themselves and think correctly.
  • To recognize and encourage talent in the students.
  • To foster team spirit and encourage a sense of responsibility and self-discipline.
  • To know god through the pursuit of truth and knowledge of self.
  • To create an atmosphere of co ncern and respect for the welfare of others and to reach out to humanity at large.

Code of Conduct:

Discipline is the distinctive feature of this school. Disregard of rules and regulations of the institution will not be tolerated. Any action likely as a breach of school’s discipline -The student has to NOW maintain a respectful attitude towards authority, elders and teachers. Students must cultivate a deep sense, of honest loyalty and integrity and must develop a sense of responsibility with regard to school property.